TGCWC -Registration is…Open?

Yes, we decided to leave TGCWC registration open!

Yes, we decided to leave TGCWC registration open!

So we have had several requests from folks who (finally) heard about The Great Canadian Wine Challenge and wanted to join. Calvin and I discussed it, and we figured the more the merrier (after all, this is a grass-roots movement to get more people opening, enjoying, and talking about Canadian wine).

Given that these folks won’t be in for the entire 12 month period, we figured it wouldn’t be fair to let them qualify for the grand prizes at the end, but we’ll let them compete for the interim prizes.

By the way, Palatine Estate Winery in NOTL offered Calvin and I some space in their booth to sign up more TGCWC folks at the Ottawa Wine & Food show November 1st-3rd. If you are at the show, come check out the Palatine Booth and say hi to Calvin and/or I!

And if you have been missing the tweets on where to update your wine list, here’s last week’s link:

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