My blogging record this year has been abysmal. There’s been too much of my day job, too many side projects, and not enough motivation to prioritize it. I was in desperate need of some motivation, so last week while I was at the cottage, I was reminded that every September for the last several years, the LCBO featured local Ontario wines (strangely enough, they don’t seem to be doing one this year as far as I can tell). Around the same time (and again for the last 4-5 years or more), Spotlight Toronto ran a feature called #30DaysONWine which featured an array of articles on what was going on in the Ontario wine industry.
I had the idea thatĀ I should try something similar. So for the next 30 days, I am going to try to post something every day. I realized quickly that I won’t be able to write 30 posts myself, so I have asked a few Ontario wine friendsĀ to help. Some of the posts will be short (like a wine review), others will be long.
I hope to also write about those people and what inspired them to “get into” Ontario wine.
Stay tuned!