While Calvin and I did a lot of the legwork on The Great Canadian Wine Challenge, we did have help along the way, and some fabulous wineries and organizations who donated fantastic prizes, all in the name of helping to build a Canadian wine culture.
Sincere thanks to the following, who provided prizes for TGCWC (in no particular order):
Also huge thanks to the following for their outstanding support for, and boosterism of, TGCWC and Canadian wines:
We wouldn’t have been able to do this without the support of our families. While they may have thought we were insane, and didn’t really like the time it took away from them, they did support us and accompany us on this adventure. So to Dylan (Calvin’s wife), Matt (Calvin’s son who did a bunch of our graphic design) and Lisa (Calvin’s daughter who attended most of our TGCWC events), Debbie (Shawn’s wife), Krista & Keiran (Shawn’s kids who helped with hosting several TGCWC parties), a huge “Thank You”!
Last, thanks to all of you who participated, discovered and drank new Canadian wines, and shared our great wines with friends and family. Slowly, but surely, people are realizing that Canada has fantastic wines to offer!
We’re not sure what to do with the Facebook and Twitter accounts just yet. We’ll likely hang onto them for now…just you know, “in case”!